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You need to really Know something… and you have to understand that may come from places other than books…
Continuing to dig deeper into MLK’s life, we see him go into college and grad school… before he would Know exactly how he wanted to change the world around him. Chance encounters with music highlight his path, including the choice of a life partner that was critical.
We also see him be included with a group of strong friends and mentors, eventually being asked to step up – as he was the “new guy”. Knowing, or maybe not, that step would put him on a path to the March, and the Speech that we all Know him most for.
These stories also remind us that at the time, he never really Knew if this would work, or was his path. And, he had a faith that kept him recharged, along with music to uplift and hold him throughout. Our stories are similar, and all need to recognize that our songs are needed more than ever as leaders and participants in this great experiment.
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