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Leadership topic - Surfing (VUCA)

If it feels like waves crash over us every day with increasing frequency, then we need to be ready for the next wave—and SURF!!

Leaders are now dealing with a “new” term – VUCA – a fancy acronym that has been developed lately to label those waves. Volatiile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambigous. And for what it is worth, I am pretty sure leaders have been dealing with that for many many years. So what should we do prepare ourselves and our teams to be ready for the opportunities and challenges?

I do NOT believe the newer acronym starting to take hold is helpful. BANIBrittle, Anxious, Non-Linear, Incomprehensible – all labels of responses that put us into a stance of victimhood. Leaders don’t have that luxury… so then what?

With a soundtrack from music you think you know and understand, let’s consult physics of how water deals with change – every moment of every day… and learn how to Surf!!

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