It is the season of Christmas Cards, the time when you see pictures of old friends, and families...
Leadership topic - Unexpected
While Leaders try to make us believe they have it figured out, the greatest opportunities typically require realizing maybe they don’t…
While I was working hard, the progress towards my goals were elusive, and the feedback I was receiving was focusing on a different path forward. Before stepping out I need to complete a few Unexpected twists and turns.
Unexpected management…
Control is an elusive term in management. Computer systems are all built from “requirements” -...
Partners in the Unexpected
Today’s lesson comes from trigonometry - and now I know I have lost most of you. Hang in there -...
observing Un-expectations..
Knowing that you need to make a change, and actually doing it are related, but take a different...
wonderfully Unexpected
Merry Christmas!!! When I saw “wonder” would align with the day, I knew all was right with the...
executing Unexpectedly
Once you set your mind towards something, it actually fools you by finding more data to support...
Unexpected renewal…
Within walking distance of Fannie was one of the best TexMex places - probably in the country, but...