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What Feat engages your Feet?

by | Oct 12, 2020 | engage, Feet (Followership), Little Feat

Home » empower » observe » Feet (Followership) » What Feat engages your Feet?

Feet engage for different reasons…

Happy “Federal-Sponsored-Holiday-for-Italian-Americans-now-controversial-because-of-who-they-chose-to- honor.” Columbus Day was on-and-off through history – starting in 1792, refreshed in 1892 when 11 Italian Americans were lynched in New Orleans, but not becoming a full Federal holiday until as recently as 1968 after a push by Knights of Columbus and other organizations.  It was intended to honor all Italian Americans in response to other ethnic holidays like St Patrick’s Day.  And that is all I will say about that – other than it gave me a date to circle on the calendar to write about a band that is one of my all-time favorites… and the idea of using their name also for the subject of the week.  

… often with more energy live…

One of the best live albums ever (actually one of the best in general) is Waiting for Columbus.  While it was actually towards the end of the classic lineup of Little Feat, this record captured the real spirit of the band.  Blended from 2 venues, it was the greatest hits they played in 1977 both in London and a great venue in DC – Lisner Auditorium. They were always a musician’s band, never really hitting it big with popular audiences, but FM Album Rock stations would feature them and the amazing blend of blues, rock, and funk.  If you are a Phish fan, you will recognize that the jam bands revel in Little Feat setlists, to the point they recreated this album for a show of their own for Halloween 2010.   You will also hear the Tower of Power horn section which toured with them often.

If you don’t have Feet following…

I am often asked, “What is Leadership?”  I don’t have a set answer surprisingly.  There are so many different approaches, styles, methods, and tools that provide it.  But one common denominator:  others are doing something… usually differently than they would on their own.  So there are always feet moving – doing something.  You look for Followers, and then start to observe what others around them are doing/have done to get that reaction – and you start to see “leadership”.  With my bias for action, it was often the case that I was moving my feet – a lot – and that was sometimes helpful, sometimes not.  But watching what enouraged others to move became a focus of most of my career. 

… how engaged is your Leadership?

I never understood the cover to this album – it was cool, but why?  A huge Tomato Lady in a Hammock?  These were things that were NOT present in the “Old World” – things that would be here in the Americas… waiting.  I don’t want to get into a long discussion of the virtues of Columbus or whatever – but he did take a risk. In modern language, he got VC funding from the Queen, and set sail – for India 😉  He got Feet in the boat, and set sail, literally – not knowing where he would end up…

… which is another thing you see a lot around Leaders… others commenting on it, trying to direct it, suggesting better ways to do it.  Yea… and they are on the shore.  I had a simple rule: if I am up in the middle of the night, are you also? If not, then your opinion can stay on the shore. With our current environment, this has turned into an art form of its own: Second Guessing.  Not one I am particularly fond of. It makes Leading even harder… getting people to move their feet, take the risk of taking ANY steps – and avoid my latest banned phrase:  out of an “abundance of caution”. This week – let’s think about Feet, and Feats to engage them... and let’s start with… All that you Dream. 

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