wonder what Feat you will be impacted by?I was wearing a baseball cap with NASA on it, which...
Leadership topic - wonder
about changes in the market and drives innovation. Comes up with a lot of new and unique ideas; easily makes connections among previously unrelated notions; Is good at bringing creative ideas of others to market; has good judgment about which creative ideas and suggestions will work;
Roadblock – Shuts down discussions before they begin, focuses only on what has been done before, Closed judging language versus focusing on questions and learning
…the wonder of Patient…
My sons were musing with me about the continuing dominance of the USB interface on computers. The...
Virtue wonders….
One of the Virtues instilled in me since I can remember is the power of Relationships. Watching...
The wonder of Delegation…
Watching my grandkids, you watch as they slowly begin to control the world around them. Their...
wonder about Innovating Positive Intelligence
Innovate is a wonder to behold...One of the great gifts my Father gave me was an ability to turn...
wondering if Positive Intelligence is Rational?
Rational, particularly Hyper, makes you wonder... All rock music is Blues - at high volume. Full...