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Empowering Leadership and Music Articles

Each article uses our empower framework that we also use for our leadership coaching services.

Fun management…

Fun management…

These stories are going to exceed your realism meter... as in "there is no way THAT is true".  Yes, they are actually true and I will not exaggerate - they don't need it.  It was...

engaging with Fun…

engaging with Fun…

We were into our second week of touring Europe with the kids.  I realized that with Amie 12, the “family” would be in a different place within 6 years. We had set about driving...

renew your Guts…

renew your Guts…

The structure of these postings causes me to bounce around a lot. To be frank I don't need an excuse to bounce around - that is a core competency so maybe I should replace renew...

Guts to wonder…

Guts to wonder…

I come from a long line of tinkerers.  Both my grandfathers had no money through the Depression and World War II, so they had to reuse/repair everything.  That was passed along...

engaging with guts…

engaging with guts…

I had already planned to get back to harder rock this week - I fake the love of the others music but hard rock is my first love. Following Feet was going to Guts - as in:  "You...

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