This spring I will have worked full time for 45 years. From age 17 till now, almost exactly 15...
Leadership topic - wonder
about changes in the market and drives innovation. Comes up with a lot of new and unique ideas; easily makes connections among previously unrelated notions; Is good at bringing creative ideas of others to market; has good judgment about which creative ideas and suggestions will work;
Roadblock – Shuts down discussions before they begin, focuses only on what has been done before, Closed judging language versus focusing on questions and learning
wondering about Promise…
I know I have written before about the great office I had for this season - whiteboards on both...
The wonder of Thanks…
Fannie Mae was located off of Wisconsin Ave in a HUGE palace of a building - fitting for the “home...
The Change of wonder…
Today's story starts in a Maryland suburb with a kid graduating from high school and started at a...
The wonder of Hope…
IBM had always been involved with the American government marketplace and formed the Federal...
How to renew your Fun?
The center of the IBM universe was a very small town in "upstate" New York, which I had learned...
Fun execution…
With many not flying, it is fun to reminisce a bit about a different era of flying, when it was a...
The wonder of Fun…
I have traveled to the Silicon Valley area that is now so revered since early in the '80s at the...
Fun observations…
This little card from Intel was roiling large portions of IBM, which I had Fun observing. This...
partners for Fun…
I know I was gone for 250 of the 300 days available in 18 months for this season… New York’s taxes...
Fun management…
These stories are going to exceed your realism meter... as in "there is no way THAT is true". ...
engaging with Fun…
We were into our second week of touring Europe with the kids. I realized that with Amie 12, the...
wonder what Opportunity is?
After a couple of years, the work at Merant was into a "good" rhythm. I was enjoying meeting with...
Guts to wonder…
I come from a long line of tinkerers. Both my grandfathers had no money through the Depression...